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Families 7 - 60+ years

Learn together, be together!

The Family classes are available to parents with children over the age of 7 and offer something for people of all abilities who want to have make the most of their family relationships.


We allow adults and children to train at their own level and pace, making sure you’re not rushed or pushed into anything too quickly. We teach the best of all of the martial arts styles from around the world, we teach only the most up-to-date and beneficial self-defence and fitness techniques.


This is a great way to build an awesome relationship with your child and get the benefits of a martial arts class at the same time.

encouraging achievement through colour belt grading

Confidence, self-esteem, and situational awareness are created by a having sense of achievement.


We know this!  And we use a colour belt grading system to recognise our students' effort.


On a regular basis, those students who have demonstrated the correct attitude and technical competency are invited to attend a one hour grading session to try and get their next colour belt.


Grading sessions take place at the weekend and are always divided into age appropriate groups so no-one has the potential to fail!

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practising what we teach

Being able to spot potential conflict and having the confidence to defuse it is something everyone should be able to do.


Knowing the theory is one thing.


Having the confidence to use it is another!


That's why we offer students the opportunity to practice self-defence techniques in a completely safe and controlled way.


When a student has developed the necessary technical competency, we invite them to have the option of working in Sparring pairs to put into practice their learning.


Each person in a Sparring pair is clothed in full head-to-toe protective gear and is taught how to control their movements whilst striking the opponent and blocking their strikes.

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martial arts classes in Hawkinge


Every Weekend : COMING SOON

We dedicate ourselves to improving lives

We are proud to be part of the local community and base our Hawkinge Martial Arts school at the Churchill School, Hawkinge.

The Churchill School

Haven Dr, Hawkinge, Folkestone

CT18 7RH

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